Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
2 * Noa EventNoa Event
Time: 18:00
18:00~19:30 // discussion panel event // pubquiz kinda setup with some tables hosting about 4 people each // 20 people total
3 * ClosedClosed
The bar is closed on Monday. Sorry!
4 * Flanor - MaandborrelFlanor - Maandborrel
Time: 20:00
5 * NUTS - pub lectureNUTS - pub lecture
Time: 18:30
6 * NUTS - vibesNUTS - vibes
Time: 20:00
20:00-23:00, drinks, possibly downstairs 20 ppl
7 * PhD DefensiePhD Defensie
Time: 20:00
Standing arrangement, 30 people, use of projector
9 * DichterscaféDichterscafé
Time: 16:00
Wees welkom! Iedere tweede zondagmiddag van de maand (van 16 tot 18) biedt het dichterscafé een podium aan heel dichtend Groningen en omstreken: voor geplande maar ook spontane optredens. Publiek welkom. Olv. Krista Middel (Script en co) en Charles Goudsmit (Stichting Pittig Gekruid). Aanmelden / Meer informatie / Gedichten lezen: www.dichtersvandegraanrepubliek.nl. //// instruction for staff: open event upstairs from 16 till 18, poetry (Dutch) recital and networking, casual setup with seats and a space to perform, with microphone, guests might arrive earlier than usual
10 * ClosedClosed
The bar is closed on Monday. Sorry!
Time: 21:29
The regular event is moved up by one week so there is no Flanor Event tonight. The agenda will still show the event because of calendar settings and repetition convenience but please ignore that!
12 * Bands With BenefitsBands With Benefits
Time: 20:00
Netwerkevent voor muzikanten
13 * English Poetry StanzaEnglish Poetry Stanza
Time: 19:15
19.15 - 22.00, start at 19.30. A group of international poets shares new work to discuss and give feedback on. If you write poetry in English, you are welcome to join their workshop. Check www.groningenpoetrystanza.nl for more info.
14 * RotoractRotoract
Time: 18:30
bi-weekly meeting / upstairs / 5-15 people / 18:30-20:00 * Book Club & DrinksBook Club & Drinks
Time: 20:00
ref. Caroline. Monthly event. half the space upstairs reserved for casual drinks (avg. about 10 people) // 20:00+ // Other half of the room open to other guests. // The complete room is still bookable for events and may claim the whole space, in which case the book club will relocate downstairs.
15 * Fashion organisatieFashion organisatie
Time: 18:00
17 * ClosedClosed
The bar is closed on Monday. Sorry!
18 * NFS GroningenNFS Groningen
Time: 18:00
8-12 People
no specific arrangement
18:00-20:00 * Flanor - Naborrel lezingFlanor - Naborrel lezing
Time: 21:30
19 * Almanac IKAlmanac IK
Time: 18:00
18:00-20:00 / ~25 people / almanac presentation and collection vibes * SPACESSPACES
Time: 20:00
Open session, sharing English poetry. 20.00+
21 * Bday BarendBday Barend
Time: 20:00
22 * BdayBday
Time: 20:00
15-20 ppl // 20+ * Caroline Bookclub Caroline Bookclub
Time: 20:00
EXTRA DATE, REPLACES EVENT ON JUNE 14. ref. Caroline. Monthly event. half the space upstairs reserved for casual drinks (avg. about 10 people) // 20:00+ // Other half of the room open to other guests. // The complete room is still bookable for events and may claim the whole space, in which case the book club will relocate downstairs.
23 * MeetingMeeting
Time: 16:15
24 * ClosedClosed
The bar is closed on Monday. Sorry!
25 * Karaoke nightKaraoke night
Time: 21:00
Projector, mic and speakers
28 * Goodbye PartyGoodbye Party
Time: 21:00
Party to say goodbye.
They need mic and projector
29 * Tamara partyTamara party
Time: 20:00
20+, 25ppl